10 One Direction Songs for 10 Years Anniversary

I can’t forget the time when I first heard a song of One Direction; it sounds like a typical pop boyband with fast-beats music, ordinary song meanings that talk about love to a girl (what a lucky girl). But in all reality, when they started, they are just ordinary teenage guys who tried their luck in a singing competition and actually succeed. All true 1D fans can attest to this one!

Let’s admit it, in the past years from their boyband days up to their solo careers now, they are more than just their handsome faces. They have great voices, amazing personalities, and inspired souls of a songwriter. And these brought them to biggest stadiums all over the globe, to prestigious music awards, to best-selling albums, and to the hearts of all Directioners.

However, in 2015, they all broke our hearts. It was a sad news, indeed, when we first learned that One Direction would be in hiatus, and they would all pursue a solo artist career.

And this year, they celebrate the 10 years of One Direction. No confirmed news of a reunion concert. I am personally waiting to see them sing all together again. For now, let’s mark 1D’s journey with their top 10 songs (for me).

10. Once in a Lifetime (Four)

Once in A Lifetime (from One Direction’s album Four)

Once in a Lifetime is one of 1D’s most unique songs. The strong guitar strumming and resonating keyboard in the background give us a different flavor of music. This 2 and a half-minute song shows an alternative pop-rock tone that I usually heard from Coldplay’s The Scientist or Fix You. They say Harry is truly a big fan!

1D also did one of their most superb blending (out of all their songs) here at the chorus of Once in a Lifetime. Cool!

9. Night Changes (Four)

Night Changes (from One Direction’s album Four)

If I’ll make any song of One Direction into a film, Night Changes will be on top of my list. This romantic, pop-ballad song has a coming-of-age plot where a boy, who is waiting for a girl, to make a once in a lifetime decision tonight. Some say it’s not just about living the most of their childhood life, it actually talks about losing virginity in a night that will never change. Love it!

The background harmonies of “ooh!” and the sudden change of key will surely give you a relaxing vibe tonight.

8. Last First Kiss (Take Me Home)

Last First Kiss (from One Direction’s album (Take Me Home)

Last First Kiss is probably a common kind of song for a boy band. It reminds me of late-2000s song genres, the likes of Secondhand Serenade and FM Static. What makes this song extra special is the rhythm that I can listen to all day; its lyrics are passionate and honest.

Imagine 1D will tell you, “Girl, what would you do? Would you wanna stay? If I were to say… Let me be your last first kiss.” That’s a marriage proposal, girl!

7. You & I (Midnight Memories)

You & I (from One Direction’s album Midnight Memories)

When you want to listen to One Direction’s best power ballad song, You and I will probably be one of your go-to music. From the youthful tone of Niall’s introduction to Zayn’s incredible flares and riffs & runs in the epic final chorus, You and I truly captured the fan in me. 

This us-against-the-world theme is cliché, yet romantic, especially when they say “Nothing can come between You and I, Not even the Gods above, Can separate the two of us.” Who wouldn’t run away with them?

6. Infinity (Made in the A.M.)

Infinity (from One Direction’s album Made in the A.M.)

Talking about figures of speech, Infinity has the most of it. Talking about stars, down to earth, motion, burning bright behind, and faster than a million miles an hour are just a few of it. This Made in the A.M. song gives us a view of a man who was devastated by someone who left him without closure. It gives us an infinite sadness.

With all the metaphors in the song and its jiving rhythm, I can’t help but imagine this song in The Greatest Showman.

5. They Don’t Know About Us (Take Me Home)

They Don’t Know About Us (from One Direction’s album Take Me Home)

This is the first 1D song that I have loved. Everything about this song is perfect. The way they started the song with a rush but smooth instrumental, the simplicity of lyrics, the intimate rhythm, the right key for them, and the almost equally divided song parts to the 5 guys. This pop-ballad song showed us One Direction is more than just a cutie-patootie band. They can be equal to the world’s most popular boy bands who rose to fame before them.

“They don’t know about the things we do. They don’t know about the “I love yous.” This hurts me so much. There is so much pain in the song that you can’t resist but to feel it.

4. What Makes You Beautiful (Up All Night)

What Makes You Beautiful (from One Direction’s album Up All Night)

We can’t make a list of 1D’s best songs without What Makes You Beautiful. It may sound old school or overrated, but WMYB brought the British boy band to the pedestal of the music industry. This Up All Night song is the all-time best-selling single and the most performed of this 5-man band and their most popular song even to non-Directioners.

Despite Niall and Louis had no solo in this song, as well as, the hilarious music video along the shore, WMYB truly melted our young hearts.

3. History (Made in the A.M.)

History (from One Direction’s album Made in the A.M.)

This is probably one of One Direction’s most memorable songs and has the saddest performance they ever did in their final performance as a band. But what makes it special is that History doesn’t talk about love or girls (which they usually do). The song is storytelling of their journey as friends, as idols for all Directioners, telling us we are the best team that the world has ever seen. And an ode to their years as a band. Or probably a reminder for Zayn’s departure. Who can’t love this? 

One thing is for sure, when Louis sang “this is not the end, this is not the end, we can make it, you know it, you know,” I believe!

2. If I Could Fly (Made in the A.M.)

If I Could Fly (from One Direction’s album Made in the A.M.)

I don’t know why this song is so underrated. If I Could Fly is their most angelic song deserving of their angelic voices. The solemnity of the piano in the background with the simplicity of their singing styles, ugh! Especially when they sang the chorus after the bridge, the one line for each of them. I actually wish Zayn was there to sing the 5th line: “I’m missing part of meeeeee!

I just can’t accept the fact that 1D doesn’t have live performances of this song.


  • Story of My Life
  • Best Song Ever
  • Perfect
  • Kiss You
  • Stockholm Syndrome
  • Summer Love
  • No Control
  • Drag Me Down

1. Little Things (Take Me Home)

Little Things (from One Direction’s album Take Me Home)

I know some of you will disagree, but Little Things is actually the best song for me. The lyrics of Little Things, composed by Fiona Bevan and Ed Sheeran, is just enough to make it my number one. This mid-tempo pop and ballad song says that your flaws make you unique and lovable as a person. With One Direction’s sincerity, crystal clear enunciation of each word, and sweet mellow melody, Little Things fits to any type of mood you have – from happy or sad, uninspired or motivated, to being bored or looking for relaxation.

One of the best things about this song is when Niall said, “You Sing!” … I did. 

What do you think about my list? Feel free to comment down below!

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