The Virtue Series: HOPE

HOPE. There is always one thing we want to happen — that is to be with your true love.

Our love story will never be a fairy tale with a happily ever after, she said.

And I grasped soundly within me, indeed, that in my dreams she was the woman sleeping in thorns and vines, waiting for my kiss to wake her up in the dawn of romantic anecdote. Every scene was crystal clear. Each heartbeat echoed genuinely, voiced out all my feelings for her. The sensation of her love was vividly painted the movie in my thoughts.

But now I admit, the right time is so far to hold her hands. Sweet days may not come. Wishing all nights are ideal to accept the truth that our souls are perfectly imperfect to each other for the next morning of fantasies and aspirations.

This pure desire halts in my mind and colors despair deeper in my broken heart.

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